Friends of the Ridgeline


The Ridgeline Corridor is part of a community-wide vision for open space in the Eugene-Springfield area of Oregon.  The Ridgeline Corridor is recognized in the Rivers to Ridges Vision, a document endorsed by a wide range of community organizations and all three local governments (Eugene, Springfield and Lane County).  The Ridgeline Corridor stretches for more that 25 miles, from Mt. Pisgah and Howard Buford Park in the east (including a connection to Hendricks Park), over Spencer Butte and along the ridgeline of the South Hills in Eugene, through the West Eugene Wetlands to Fern Ridge Reservoir in the west.

Ridgeline Vision and Map (Lane Council of Governments)


Friends of the Ridgeline is a program of the Eugene Parks Foundation with a  mission of supporting  acquisition, restoration, and recreation along a publicly-owned corridor stretching over the South Hills of Eugene, Oregon.

Welcome to the Ridgeline

Information Link